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标题 作者 论文类型 期刊/会议名称
Structural Investigation of Alkaline-Earth Phosphosilicate Glasses Containing Six-Coordinated Silicon by Solid-State NMR ShiFeng;胡丽丽;任进军;YangQiuhong 期刊论文 ACTA PHYSICO-CHIMICA SINICA 2020
A real-time three-dimensional coherent ladar demonstration: System structure, imaging processing, and experiment result 卢智勇;卢智勇;周煜;孙建锋;许倩;王利娟 期刊论文 OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS 2020
Spatially and temporally discontinuous two-plasmon decay with relatively low laser irradiance 康宁;刘会亚;雷安乐;JiShengzhe;周申蕾 期刊论文 PLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION 2020
High-performance broadband electromagnetic interference shielding optical window based on a metamaterial absorber ZhangYaqiang;董红星;MouNanli;ChenLulu;李日红;张龙;张亚强 期刊论文 OPTICS EXPRESS 2020
Paving way for fabrication of silica-based single -frequency seed laser: Ultrahighly Yb-doped optical fibers via sol-gel method combined with silica tube inner wall coating and fusion-tapering technique XiaLisi;王孟;KuanPei-Wen;YangQiubai;邵冲云;周秦岭;于春雷;胡丽丽;张杨;YangQiuhong;夏丽斯 期刊论文 OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY 2020
Temperature dependence of initial deformation and cracks of indium tin oxide film by quasi-continuous-wave laser irradiations PengLiping;赵元安;刘晓凤;CaoZhaoliang;李大伟;连亚飞;MaHao;HongRuijin;TaoChunxian;ZhangDawei;邵建达;彭丽萍 期刊论文 OPTICAL MATERIALS EXPRESS 2020
The combined effects of intra-cavity spectral filtering on the fiber mode-locked laser ZengYuan;范薇;汪小超;曾元 期刊论文 OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS 2020
Observation of perturbations in underdense plasmas induced by ablative Rayleigh-Taylor instability 康宁;雷安乐;刘会亚;冀胜哲;周申蕾 期刊论文 PHYSICS OF PLASMAS 2020
Precipitation of CsPbBr3 quantum dots in borophosphate glasses inducted by heat-treatment and UV-NIR ultrafast lasers DuYing;王欣;ShenDanyang;YuanJun;WangYajie;YanSasa;HanShuai;TaoYiting;陈丹平;杜英 期刊论文 CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL 2020
Effect of laser remelting on microstructure and properties of two Ni-base coatings by supersonic particles deposition BingyuanHan;ShaoyiBei;KebingZhou;YuxiangLiu;张燕;XueYan;WeixingHang;FangfangCui;WenwenXu;WeiDu;ShengZhu 期刊论文 SURFACE TOPOGRAPHY-METROLOGY AND PROPERTIES 2020
Performance improvement of a 200TW/1Hz Ti:sapphire laser for laser wakefield electron accelerator 吴分翔;张宗昕;杨晓骏;HuJiabing;JiPenghua;归佳彦;王成;陈俊驰;彭宇杰;刘星延;刘彦祺;陆效明;许毅;冷雨欣;李儒新;徐至展 期刊论文 OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY 2020
A novel design of double chirped pulse amplification laser systems for fourth-order dispersion control 吴分翔;王成;HuJiabing;张宗昕;杨晓骏;刘星延;刘彦祺;JiPenghua;BaiPeile;钱佳毅;归佳彦;许毅;冷雨欣 期刊论文 OPTICS EXPRESS 2020
Tunable Grain Orientation of Chalcogenide Film and Its Application for Second Harmonic Generation MengYun;BeheraJitendraK.;WangShancheng;JiangMinghui;LinJincheng;魏劲松;王阳;CaoTun;LongYi;王正伟 期刊论文 ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES 2020
Organic Small Molecule Covalently Functionalized Molybdenum Disulfide Hybrid Material for Optical Limiting GanFan;董宁宁;LiuZhiwei;JiaHuimei;王俊;Chen, Yu 期刊论文 BULLETIN OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN 2020
Three wires ring magnetic guide based on Archimedean spirals 凌云龙;ChuanWang;张海潮;凌云龙 期刊论文 ACTA PHYSICA SINICA 2020
The thin film bulk acoustic wave resonator based on single-crystalline 43 circleY-cut lithium niobate thin films BaiXiaoyuan;ShuaiYao;LvLu;XingYing;赵娇玲;LuoWenbo;WuChuangui;YangTao;ZhangWanli 期刊论文 AIP ADVANCES 2020
Single-shot ptychography with highly tilted illuminations 昌成成;潘兴臣;陶华;刘诚;VeetilSuhasP.;朱健强 期刊论文 OPTICS EXPRESS 2020
Laser-conditioning mechanism in KD2PO4 crystals revealed by fluorescence and Raman scattering analysis WangYao;邵建达;HuGuohang;赵元安;曹珍;李大伟;刘晓凤;贺洪波;王尧 期刊论文 OPTICAL ENGINEERING 2020
Design of Rapid Bacterial Identification System Based on Scattering of Laser Light and Classification of Binned Plots HussainMubashir;LvMu;DongXiaohan;ShenHan;汪唯;LiSong;ChenZhu;JinLian;HeNongyue;LiZhiyang;LiuBin 期刊论文 JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY 2020
Q-switched mode-locked Nd:GGG waveguide laser with tin disulfide as saturable absorber DongXuejian;LiZiqi;PangChi;董宁宁;JiangHailing;王俊;ChenFeng 期刊论文 OPTICAL MATERIALS 2020
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