标题 | 作者 | 论文类型 | 期刊/会议名称 | 年 |
All-optical phase shifter and switch near 1550nm using tungsten disulfide (WS2) deposited tapered fiber | WuKan;GuoChaoshi;王浩;张晓燕;王俊;ChenJianping | 期刊论文 | OPTICS EXPRESS | 2017 |
Yb3+-doped silica glass rod with high optical quality and low optical attenuation prepared by modified sol-gel technology for large mode area fiber | 王世凯;XuWenbin;王帆;楼风光;张磊;周秦岭;陈丹平;冯素雅;王孟;于春雷;胡丽丽;WangShikai | 期刊论文 | OPTICAL MATERIALS EXPRESS | 2017 |
Laser-driven fast electron ionization wave propagation in a dielectric target | 白亚锋;田野;ZhouShiyi;曾雨珊;孙海轶;王成;刘建胜 | 期刊论文 | PHYSICS OF PLASMAS | 2017 |
The phosphorescence and excitation-wavelength dependent fluorescence kinetics of large-scale graphene oxide nanosheets | ZhaoLitao;YuXiantong;ZhangSanjun;HeXiaoxiao;李磊;贾梦辉;ChangMengfang;PanHaifeng;ChenJinquan;WangWenjun;XuJianhua | 期刊论文 | RSC ADVANCES | 2017 |
Transition from isolated submicrometer pits to integral ablation of HfO2 and SiO2 films under subpicosecond irradiation | 王虎;齐红基;赵娇玲;汪斌;邵建达;WangHu | 期刊论文 | OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS | 2017 |
High-Peak Power Passively Q-Switched 2-mu m Laser With MoS2 Saturable Absorber | LuanChao;张晓燕;YangKejian;ZhaoJia;ZhaoShengzhi;陶立;QiaoWenchao;ChuHongwei;QiaoJunpeng;王俊;ZhengLihe;XuXiaodong;XuJun | 期刊论文 | IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN QUANTUM ELECTRONICS | 2017 |
Effect of B2O3 content on structure and spectroscopic properties of neodymium-doped calcium aluminate glasses | KangShuai;WangXue;XuWenbin;王欣;何冬兵;胡丽丽 | 期刊论文 | OPTICAL MATERIALS | 2017 |
高功率光纤激光光谱合成技术的研究进展 | 郑也;杨依枫;赵翔;公维超;柏刚;张璟璞;刘恺;陈晓龙;赵纯;漆云凤;晋云霞;何兵;周军 | 期刊论文 | 中国激光 | 2017 |
Automatic focusing for multisectional objects in digital holography using the structure tensor | RenZhenbo;陈妮;LamEdmundY. | 期刊论文 | OPTICS LETTERS | 2017 |
Optical spectroscopy of Dy3+-doped CaGdAlO4 single crystal for potential use in solid-state yellow lasers | XuXiaodong;HuZongwen;李瑞娟;LiDongzhen;DiJuqing;SuLiangbi;YangQiuhong;赛青林;TangHuili;WangQingguo;StrzepAdam;XuJun | 期刊论文 | OPTICAL MATERIALS | 2017 |
电寻址振幅型空间光调制器的光束整形能力 | 程煜;黄大杰;范薇 | 期刊论文 | 中国激光 | 2017 |
50 kHz血管内扫频光学相干层析成像系统 | 卢宇;李中梁;王向朝;南楠;王瑄 | 期刊论文 | 中国激光 | 2017 |
Depth-dependent dispersion compensation for full-depth OCT image | PanLiuhua;WangXiangzhao;李中梁;ZhangXiangyang;步扬;南楠;ChenYan;WangXuan;戴凤钊 | 期刊论文 | OPTICS EXPRESS | 2017 |
MoS2/Carbon Nanotube Core-Shell Nanocomposites for Enhanced Nonlinear Optical Performance | 张晓燕;SelkirkAndrew;张赛锋;HuangJiawei;LiYuanxin;XieYafeng;董宁宁;崔云;张龙;BlauWernerJ.;王俊;ZhangXiaoyan | 期刊论文 | CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL | 2017 |
A robust red-emitting phosphor-in-glass (PiG) for use in white lighting sources pumped by blue laser diodes | 邾强强;XuXin;WangLe;TianZi-Feng;XuYan-Zheng;HirosakiNaoto;XieRong-Jun | 期刊论文 | JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS | 2017 |
On the difference between single- and double-sided bandpass filtering of spatial frequencies | YangXin;贾伟;WuDi;PoonTing-Chung | 期刊论文 | OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS | 2017 |
Ultrafast multi-MeV gamma-ray beam produced by laser-accelerated electrons | 李顺;沈百飞;徐建彩;徐同军;YuYong;李进峰;陆效明;王成;王新亮;梁晓燕;冷雨欣;李儒新;徐至展;LiShun | 期刊论文 | PHYSICS OF PLASMAS | 2017 |
Synthesis and luminescent behavior of Dy:Y3Ga5O12 phosphor for UV induced white LEDs | DiJ.Q.;SaiQ.L.;SunX.H.;GuoX.Y.;ZhuL. | 期刊论文 | OPTIK | 2017 |
Optically Induced Transparency and Extinction in Dispersed MoS2, MoSe2, and Graphene Nanosheets | 董宁宁;LiYuanxin;张赛锋;张晓燕;王俊;DongNingning | 期刊论文 | ADVANCED OPTICAL MATERIALS | 2017 |
Study of the Key Technology of Ghost Imaging Based on Rosette Scanning | ZhangLeihong;KangYi;PanZilan;LiangDong;LiBei;ZhangDawei;马秀华 | 期刊论文 | CURRENT OPTICS AND PHOTONICS | 2017 |