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标题 作者 论文类型 期刊/会议名称
Strong magnetic fields generated with a metal wire irradiated by high power laser pulses and its effect on bow shock LiYan-Fei;LiYu-Tong;ZhuBao-Jun;YuanDa-Wei;LiFang;张喆;ZhongJia-Yong;WeiHui-Gang;PeiXiao-Xing;刘昶;YuanXiao-Xia;ZhaoJia-Rui;HanBo;LiaoGuo-Qian;LuXin;华能;朱宝强;朱健强;FangZhi-Heng;AnHong-Hai;HuangXiu-Guang;ZhaoGang;张捷 期刊论文 ACTA PHYSICA SINICA 2017
Real-time characterization of FM-AM modulation in a high-power laser facility using an RF-photonics system and a denoising algorithm HuangCanhong;卢兴华;姜有恩;汪小超;QiaoZhi;范薇 期刊论文 APPLIED OPTICS 2017
Modelling and characteristics of actively Q-switched Er-doped fibre laser with Tm-doped fibre saturable absorber 陶蒙蒙;余婷;WangZhenbao;ShenYanlong;FengGuobin;叶锡生;TaoMengmeng 期刊论文 JOURNAL OF MODERN OPTICS 2017
Influence of SiO2 on the Stark splitting and spectroscopic properties of Yb3+ in phosphate glass WangYajie;WangChao;KangShuai;张丽艳 期刊论文 JOURNAL OF LUMINESCENCE 2017
Tb3Al2.5 Ga2.5O12 transparent ceramic for magneto-optical application HaoDeming;FengYue;唐燕如;易学专;张帅;ChenChong;林辉;周圣明 期刊论文 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED CERAMIC TECHNOLOGY 2017
Effect of the cutter path and the workpiece clamping position on the stability of the robotic milling system 李璟;李彪;ShenNanYan;QianHui;GuoZiMeng 期刊论文 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY 2017
Energy Scaling of Terahertz Pulses Produced through Difference Frequency Generation 白亚;SongLi-Wei;刘鹏;李儒新;BaiYa 期刊论文 CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS 2017
Spatial chirp in Ti:sapphire multipass amplifier 黎文开;LuJun;李妍妍;郭晓杨;吴分翔;YuLinpeng;WangPengfei;许毅;冷雨欣;LiWenkai 期刊论文 CHINESE PHYSICS B 2017
种子注入双共振PPMgLN光参量振荡器 董怡静;马秀华;李世光;朱小磊;谢小兵;张俊旋 期刊论文 中国激光 2017
Plasma channel undulator excited by high-order laser modes 王精伟;SchroederC.B.;李儒新;ZepfM.;RykovanovS.G. 期刊论文 SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2017
Pulsed optically pumped atomic clock with zero-dead-time LinHaixiao;林锦达;邓见辽;张松;王育竹 期刊论文 REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS 2017
Emission properties of suprathermal electrons produced by laser-plasma interactions 刘会亚;康宁;周申蕾;AnHonghai;FangZhiheng;XiongJun;李昆;LeiAnle;林尊琪;LiuHuiya 期刊论文 LASER AND PARTICLE BEAMS 2017
Phase-locked multiple-beam Nd:YVO4 laser 夏克贵;余俊杰;周常河;李建郎;XiaKegui 期刊论文 LASER PHYSICS 2017
Thermal stability and reliability studies of (Sr, Ca) AlSiN3:Eu2+ phosphors for LED application 李阳;胡丽丽;YangBobo;ShiMingming;ZouJun;LiYang 期刊论文 JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS 2017
200 J high efficiency Ti:sapphire chirped pulse amplifier pumped by temporal dual-pulse 甘泽彪;YuLianghong;LiShuai;王成;梁晓燕;刘彦祺;LiWenqi;GuoZhen;FanZutao;YuanXiaolong;徐露;刘征征;许毅;LuJun;LuHaihe;印定军;冷雨欣;李儒新;徐至展;GanZebiao 期刊论文 OPTICS EXPRESS 2017
1 J, 1 Hz lamp-pumped high-gain Nd: phosphate glass laser amplifier WangChao;韦辉;王江峰;黄大杰;范薇;李学春 期刊论文 CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS 2017
Enhancement of proton acceleration by a right-handed circularly polarized laser interaction with a cone target exposed to a longitudinal magnetic field GongJ.X.;CaoL.H.;PanK.Q.;XiaoK.D.;WuD.;ZhengC.Y.;LiuZ.J.;HeX.T. 期刊论文 PHYSICS OF PLASMAS 2017
Varied laser induced damage phenomena of gold coated gratings for pulse compression XiaZhilin;HuangHaopeng;孔钒宇;WangLeilei;晋云霞 期刊论文 OPTICS AND LASERS IN ENGINEERING 2017
High transparency Cr,Nd:LuAG ceramics prepared with MgO additive ZhangPande;柴宝燕;姜本学;姜益光;ChenShuilin;GanQijun;范金太;毛小建;张龙 期刊论文 JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN CERAMIC SOCIETY 2017
iPrivacy: Image Privacy Protection by Identifying Sensitive Objects via Deep Multi-Task Learning YuJun;ZhangBaopeng;KuangZhengzhong;LinDan;FanJianping 期刊论文 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION FORENSICS AND SECURITY 2017
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