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标题 作者 论文类型 期刊/会议名称
Extending resolution of scanning optical microscopy beyond the Abbe limit through the assistance of InSb thin layers DingChenliang;魏劲松;李奇松;LiangXin;WeiTao 期刊论文 OPTICS LETTERS 2016
50 mu m core diameter Yb3+/Al3+/F- codoped silica fiber with M-2 < 1.1 beam quality XuWenbin;LinZhiquan;王孟;冯素雅;张磊;周秦岭;陈丹平;张丽艳;王世凯;于春雷;胡丽丽 期刊论文 OPTICS LETTERS 2016
Suppression of nano-absorbing precursors and damage mechanism in optical coatings for 3 omega mirrors 王虎;齐红基;张伟丽;孙建;柴英杰;TuFeifei;赵娇玲;YuZhen;汪斌;朱美萍;易葵;邵建达;WangHu 期刊论文 OPTICS LETTERS 2016
Bandwidth of adaptive optics system in atmospheric coherent laser communication LiJiawei;张臻;GaoJianqiu;孙建锋;陈卫标 期刊论文 OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS 2016
Spatiotemporal dynamics of an optical pulse propagating in multimode hollow-core fibers filled with prealigned molecular gases 乔玲玲;王丁;冷雨欣;QiaoLingling 期刊论文 PHYSICAL REVIEW A 2016
Improving laser damage resistance of 355 nm high-reflective coatings by co-evaporated interfaces XingHuanbin;朱美萍;柴英杰;易葵;孙建;崔云;邵建达 期刊论文 OPTICS LETTERS 2016
Proton acceleration by single-cycle laser pulses offers a novel monoenergetic and stable operating regime ZhouM.L.;YanX.Q.;MourouG.;WheelerJ.A.;BinJ.H.;SchreiberJ.;TajimaT. 期刊论文 PHYSICS OF PLASMAS 2016
Ultra-wide wavelength tuning of a cascaded Raman random fiber laser 张磊;姜华卫;YangXuezong;PanWeiwei;冯衍;ZhangLei 期刊论文 OPTICS LETTERS 2016
An approach for generating the first order structure of multi-movable zoom lens SongQiang;HuangHao;LvXiangbo;朱菁;黄惠杰 期刊论文 OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS 2016
Two-photon absorption and emission in CsPb(Br/I)(3) cesium lead halide perovskite quantum dots LiJingzhou;张赛锋;董红星;袁新强;姜雄伟;王俊;张龙 期刊论文 CRYSTENGCOMM 2016
BaCdSnS4 and Ba3CdSn2S8: syntheses, structures, and non-linear optical and photoluminescence properties ZhenNi;WuKui;王莹;李强;GaoWenhui;HouDianwei;YangZhihua;JiangHuaidong;董永军;PanShilie 期刊论文 DALTON TRANSACTIONS 2016
Azimuthal angle- and scanning pitch-dependent colorization of metals by ultrashort laser pulses LiYangbo;钱静;BaiFeng;WangZhuo;WangChengwei;FanWenzhong;张杨;赵全忠 期刊论文 APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING 2016
Diode-Pumped Passively Mode-Locked 1079nm Nd:CaGdAlO4 Laser HeKun-Na;LiuJia-Xing;WeiLong;XuXiao-Dong;WangZhao-Hua;TianWen-Long;ZhangZhi-Guo;XuJun;DiJu-Qing;XiaChang-Tai;WeiZhi-Yi 期刊论文 CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS 2016
Studies on design of 351 nm focal plane diagnostic system prototype and focusing characteristic of SGII-upgraded facility at half achievable energy performance 刘崇;JiLailin;杨琳;赵东峰;张严峰;LiuDong;朱宝强;林尊琪;LiuChong 期刊论文 APPLIED OPTICS 2016
Characterization of vertical Au/beta-Ga2O3 single-crystal Schottky photodiodes with MBE-grown high-resistivity epitaxial layer LiuX.Z.;YueC.;XiaC.T.;ZhangW.L. 期刊论文 CHINESE PHYSICS B 2016
Alteration of titanium dioxide material properties by glancing angle deposition plus annealing treatment 汪斌;齐红基;柴英杰;LiMeng;郭猛;潘明艳;王虎;崔云;邵建达;WangBin 期刊论文 SUPERLATTICES AND MICROSTRUCTURES 2016
Wavefront aberration measurement method for a hyper-NA lithographic projection lens based on principal component analysis of an aerial image ZhuBoer;WangXiangzhao;李思坤;YanGuanyong;ShenLina;DuanLifeng 期刊论文 APPLIED OPTICS 2016
Anisotropic edge enhancement in optical scanning holography with spiral phase filtering DobsonKellyK.;贾伟;PoonTing-Chung 期刊论文 CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS 2016
Translucent Al2O3 ceramics produced by an aqueous tape casting method ZhouChunlin;姜本学;范金太;毛小建;PanLiangjie;姜益光;张龙;FangYongzheng 期刊论文 CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL 2016
Improving sodium laser guide star brightness by polarization switching 范婷威;周田华;冯衍;FanTingwei 期刊论文 SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2016
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