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标题 作者 论文类型 期刊/会议名称
Generation of attosecond pulse pair in polar media by chirped few-cycle pulses HuPidong;NiuYueping;WangXiangxin;GongShangqing;刘呈普 期刊论文 JOURNAL OF OPTICS 2016
Photothermal effects in phase shifted FBG with varied light wavelength and intensity DingMeng;陈迪俊;FangZujie;WangDi;ZhangXi;魏芳;杨飞;应康;蔡海文 期刊论文 OPTICS EXPRESS 2016
Tunable dual-wavelength passively mode-locked thulium-doped fiber laser using carbon nanotube NiuChuanning;WangZhaokun;ZhangJiayang;余婷;周军;LiNan;QinGuanshi;NingDing;ZhangFujun;FengDejun 期刊论文 OPTICAL ENGINEERING 2016
Suppression mechanism of radiation-induced darkening by Ce doping in Al/Yb/Ce-doped silica glasses: Evidence from optical spectroscopy, EPR and XPS analyses 邵冲云;XuWenbin;OllierNadege;GuzikMalgorzata;BoulonGeorges;YuLu;张磊;于春雷;王世凯;胡丽丽;ShaoCY 期刊论文 JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 2016
Direct synthesis of large-scale hierarchical MoS2 films nanostructured with orthogonally oriented vertically and horizontally aligned layers (vol 8, pg 431, 2016) 张晓燕;张赛锋;ChenBohua;王浩;WuKan;杨晨;范金太;齐申;CuiXiaoli;张龙;王俊;ZhangXiaoyan 期刊论文 NANOSCALE 2016
Generation of a smooth temporal pulse envelope and phase profiles in a parametric amplification process 黎文开;ChenYun;李妍妍;许毅;郭晓杨;LuJun;吴分翔;王新亮;LiShuai;冷雨欣;LiWenkai 期刊论文 JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS 2016
2016 Joint Applied Optics and Chinese Optics Letters digital holography and 3D imaging feature: introduction PoonTing-Chung;周常河 期刊论文 APPLIED OPTICS 2016
Effects of side subsurface defects induced by CNC machine on the gain spatial distribution in neodymium phosphate glass 王冰艳;张军勇;ShiShuang;YouKewei;朱健强;WangBingyan 期刊论文 HIGH POWER LASER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 2016
Spectroscopic analysis of high electric field enhanced ionization in laser filaments in air for corona guiding 魏迎霞;刘尧香;王铁军;陈娜;鞠晶晶;刘永宏;孙海轶;王成;刘建胜;LuHaihe;ChinSeeLeang;李儒新;WeiYingxia 期刊论文 HIGH POWER LASER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 2016
Simultaneous frequency transfer and time synchronization over a 430 km fiber backbone network using a cascaded system 刘琴;HanShenglong;王家亮;FengZitong;陈伟;程楠;桂有珍;蔡海文;韩申生;LiuQin 期刊论文 CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS 2016
氮气保护不锈钢激光焊接接头组织及力学性能 李竹洁;吕俊霞;邹江林;张建超;吴世凯 期刊论文 中国激光 2016
光纤激光-变极性TIG复合填丝焊接A7N01铝合金接头的组织与力学性能 乔俊楠;王启明;邹江林;吴世凯 期刊论文 中国激光 2016
Fabrication of polarization-independent single-mode waveguides in lithium niobate crystal with femtosecond laser pulses QiJia;王鹏;廖洋;ChuWei;LiuZhengming;WangZhaohui;乔玲玲;程亚 期刊论文 OPTICAL MATERIALS EXPRESS 2016
Transverse writing of three-dimensional tubular optical waveguides in glass with a slit-shaped femtosecond laser beam 廖洋;QiJia;王鹏;ChuWei;WangZhaohui;乔玲玲;程亚;LiaoYang 期刊论文 SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2016
Critical power and clamping intensity inside a filament in a flame LiHelong;ChuWei;ZangHongwei;XuHuailiang;程亚;ChinSeeLeang 期刊论文 OPTICS EXPRESS 2016
Trace Element Analysis by PIYE and ICP-AES of Raw Material and Ancient Serpentine Artifacts from China 董俊卿;WangYong-ya;干福熹;李青会 期刊论文 SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS 2016
Surface-Energy-Driven Growth of ZnO Hexagonal Microtube Optical Resonators ZhanJinxin;董红星;SunShulin;RenXiaodong;刘建军;ChenZhanghai;LienauChristoph;张龙 期刊论文 ADVANCED OPTICAL MATERIALS 2016
Generation of elliptically polarized nitrogen ion laser fields using two-color femtosecond laser pulses LiZiting;ZengBin;ChuWei;XieHongqiang;姚金平;李贵花;乔玲玲;WangZhanshan;程亚 期刊论文 SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2016
1.88 mu m, Ba(NO3)(2)-based Raman laser pumped by a potassium-titanyl-phosphate-based optical parametric oscillator laser 陈俊驰;ZouXiao;彭宇杰;SuHongpeng;冷雨欣;ChenJunchi 期刊论文 CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS 2016
Simultaneous identification of multi-combustion-intermediates of alkanol-air flames by femtosecond filament excitation for combustion sensing LiHelong;ChuWei;XuHuailiang;程亚;ChinSee-Leang;YamanouchiKaoru;SunHong-Bo 期刊论文 SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2016
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