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标题 作者 论文类型 期刊/会议名称
Stimulated Brillouin Scattering Enhancement Factor Improvement in a 11.6-GHz-Linewidth 1.5-kW Yb-Doped Fiber Amplifier LiuGuang-Bo;杨依枫;WangJian-Hua;ZhengYe;陈晓龙;刘恺;赵纯;漆云凤;何兵;周军 期刊论文 CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS 2016
Laser advances drive development of specialized optical coatings 邵建达;ViKui;赵元安;王胭脂;朱美萍;ShaoJianda 期刊论文 LASER FOCUS WORLD 2016
Output features of optical parametric chirped pulse amplification in LiB3O5 near 800 nm at different phase-matching geometries LiuXiaodi;徐露;梁晓燕 期刊论文 OPTICS LETTERS 2016
Photostability Enhancement of Fluorenone-Based Two-Photon Fluorescent Probes for Cellular Nucleus Monitoring and Imaging ChiShuheng;LiLiang;吴谊群 期刊论文 JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C 2016
Tm-doped Fiber Amplifier with Supercontinuum Output 陶蒙蒙;FengGuobin;余婷;WangZhenbao;ShenYanlong;叶锡生;TaoMengmeng 期刊论文 JOURNAL OF RUSSIAN LASER RESEARCH 2016
Enhancing stability and efficiency of perovskite solar cells with crosslinkable silane-functionalized and doped fullerene BaiYang;DongQingfeng;邵宇川;DengYehao;王琦;沈良;WangDong;WeiWei;HuangJinsong 期刊论文 NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 2016
Grain boundary dominated ion migration in polycrystalline organic-inorganic halide perovskite films 邵宇川;FangYanjun;陶立;王琦;DongQingfeng;DengYehao;YuanYongbo;WeiHaotong;WangMeiyu;GruvermanAlexei;ShieldaJeffery;HuangJinsong;ShaoYuchuan 期刊论文 ENERGY & ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE 2016
All-fiber widely tunable mode-locked thulium-doped laser using a curvature multimode interference filter LiN.;LiuM.Y.;GaoX.J.;ZhangL.;JiaZ.X.;FengY.;OhishiY.;QinG.S.;QinW.P. 期刊论文 LASER PHYSICS LETTERS 2016
Correlation of energy disorder and open-circuit voltage in hybrid perovskite solar cells 邵宇川;YuanYongbo;HuangJinsong;ShaoYuchuan 期刊论文 NATURE ENERGY 2016
水下激光通信最大比合并分集接收性能分析及仿真 胡思奇;周田华;陈卫标 期刊论文 中国激光 2016
Generation of few-cycle laser pulses: Comparison between atomic and molecular gases in a hollow-core fiber 黄志远;DaiYe;ZhaoRui-Rui;王丁;冷雨欣 期刊论文 CHINESE PHYSICS B 2016
表面处理工艺对铝合金抗激光损伤能力的影响 时双;孙明营;郝艳飞;张燕;庞向阳;章亚男;刘志刚 期刊论文 中国激光 2016
Cold atoms passing through a thin laser beam: a Fourier optics approach 周蜀渝;钱军;ZhangShanchao;王育竹;ZhouShuyu 期刊论文 CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS 2016
大口径磁光隔离器隔离度单次测量技术 张攀政;李菁辉;冯滔;王利;张志祥;曹兆栋;周申蕾;马伟新;朱俭 期刊论文 中国激光 2016
用于抽运5PW钛宝石啁啾脉冲放大器的钕玻璃片状放大器的设计与应用 徐露;印定军;陆海鹤;於亮红;储玉喜;甘泽彪;李进峰;梁晓燕 期刊论文 中国激光 2016
沉积速率对直流脉冲溅射钼薄膜微结构与光学性能的影响 赵娇玲;贺洪波;王虎;郭佳露;贺婷 期刊论文 光学学报 2016
单腔原子芯片系统中高效率的四极磁阱转移 程俊;许忻平;张敬芳;陈钰水;张海潮;王育竹 期刊论文 光学学报 2016
Study on the key technology of spectral reflectance reconstruction based on the weighted measurement matrix ZhangLeihong;LiBei;LiangDong;马秀华 期刊论文 LASER PHYSICS 2016
高能激光自主自适应光学系统及激光散斑效应 贾昱成;许倩;孙建锋;曾祥龙;刘立人 期刊论文 光学学报 2016
基于Ptychography的极紫外光刻投影物镜波像差检测技术 方伟;唐锋;王向朝;朱鹏辉;李杰;孟泽江;张恒 期刊论文 光学学报 2016
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