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标题 作者 论文类型 期刊/会议名称
High energy diode-pumped sapphire face-cooled Nd:glass multi-slab amplifier HuangTingrui;黄文发;王江峰;卢兴华;潘雪;郭江涛;范薇;李学春 期刊论文 OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY 2018
Transmission electron microscopic and optical spectroscopic studies of Ni2+/Yb3+/Er3+/Tm3+ doped dual-phase glass-ceramics GaoZhigang;LuXiaosong;ZhangYindong;GuoShu;刘垠垚;孙时宇;何飞;YangPiaoping;任静;YangJun 期刊论文 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CERAMIC SOCIETY 2018
Single-shot aperture-scanning Fourier ptychography 何小亮;刘诚;朱健强;HeXiaoliang 期刊论文 OPTICS EXPRESS 2018
Magnetotransport study of topological superconductor Cu0.10Bi2Se3 single crystal Mingtao Li;方依霏;Jincang Zhang;Hemian Yi;Chengtian Lin 期刊论文 JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER 2018
High-contrast front end based on cascaded XPWG and femtosecond OPA for 10-PW-level Ti:sapphire laser YuLinpeng;许毅;刘彦祺;李妍妍;LiShuai;刘征征;黎文开;吴分翔;杨晓骏;杨彦丽;王成;陆效明;冷雨欣;李儒新;徐至展 期刊论文 OPTICS EXPRESS 2018
Investigating Subcellular Compartment Targeting Effect of Porous Coordination Cages for Enhancing Cancer Nanotherapy FangYu;LianXizhen;HuangYanyan;付国;XiaoZhifeng;王琦;NanBeiyan;PelloisJean-Philippe;ZhouHong-Cai 期刊论文 SMALL 2018
Tailoring the nonlinear optical performance of two-dimensional MoS2 nanofilms via defect engineering 张晓燕;张赛锋;XieYafeng;HuangJiawei;王蕾;崔云;王俊;ZhangXiaoyan 期刊论文 NANOSCALE 2018
Anomalous spin-dependent tunneling statistics in Fe/MgO/Fe junctions induced by disorder at the interface YanJiawei;WangShizhuo;XiaKe;KeYouqi 期刊论文 PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2018
MotAB-like machinery drives the movement of MreB filaments during bacterial gliding motility 付国;BandariaJigarN.;LeGallAnneValerie;FanXue;YildizAhmet;MignotTam;ZusmanDavidR.;NanBeiyan;FuGuo 期刊论文 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 2018
Airborne Near Infrared Three-Dimensional Ghost Imaging LiDAR via Sparsity Constraint 王成龙;MeiXiaodong;PanLong;WangPengwei;李望;高昕;薄遵望;陈明亮;龚文林;韩申生;WangChenglong 期刊论文 REMOTE SENSING 2018
Fast and High-Accuracy Measuring Technique for Transmittance Spectrum in VIS-NIR 王圣浩;刘世杰;王微微;张志刚 期刊论文 SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS 2018
Coherent X-ray source generation with off-resonance laser modulation 冯珂;余昌海;刘建胜;王文涛;田野;张志钧;QiRong;FangMing;LiuJiaqi;QinZhiyong;WuYing;chen yu;KeLintong;王成;李儒新;FengKe 期刊论文 OPTICS EXPRESS 2018
Spatial multiplexing reconstruction for Fourier-transform ghost imaging via sparsity constraints 朱瑞国;喻虹;陆荣华;谈志杰;韩申生;ZhuRuiguo 期刊论文 OPTICS EXPRESS 2018
Underwater Object Segmentation Based on Optical Features 陈喆;张臻;步扬;戴凤钊;FanTanghuai;WangHuibin;ChenZhe 期刊论文 SENSORS 2018
Megawatt peak power tunable femtosecond source based on self-phase modulation enabled spectral selection ChungHsiang-Yu;刘薇;CaoQian;宋立伟;KaertnerFranzX.;ChangGuoqing 期刊论文 OPTICS EXPRESS 2018
Passively Driven Probe Based on Miniaturized Propeller for Intravascular Optical Coherence Tomography LuYu;李中梁;南楠;步扬;LiuXuebo;XuXiangdong;WangXuan;SasakiOsami;WangXiangzhao 期刊论文 SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2018
Temporal evolution of condensation and precipitation induced by a 22-TW laser 鞠晶晶;孙海轶;HuXingkai;刘永宏;刘尧香;王精伟;王成;王铁军;GuoXueliang;刘建胜;ChinSeeLeang;李儒新;徐至展;JuJingjing 期刊论文 OPTICS EXPRESS 2018
Enhanced nonlinear optical response of graphene by silver-based nanoparticle modification for pulsed lasing LiZiqi;董宁宁;ChengChen;XuLinlin;陈明;王俊;ChenFeng 期刊论文 OPTICAL MATERIALS EXPRESS 2018
In-orbit operation of an atomic clock based on laser-cooled Rb-87 atoms 刘亮;LuDe-Sheng;陈卫标;李唐;屈求智;汪斌;李琳;任伟;董作人;赵剑波;夏文兵;赵鑫;吉经纬;叶美凤;孙延光;姚媛媛;宋丹;梁兆刚;胡善江;俞敦和;侯霞;时伟;臧华国;项静峰;PengXiang-Kai;王育竹 期刊论文 NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 2018
Single-shot color image encryption based on mixed state diffractive imaging 何小亮;陶华;刘诚;朱健强;HeXiaoliang 期刊论文 OPTICS AND LASERS IN ENGINEERING 2018
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