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时 间:2017年07月19日(周三)09:30
地 点:溢智厅
报告人: Associate Prof. Ivan Kislyakov
报告人 |
题目 |
时间 |
IvanKislyakov |
Applications of nanostructures in nanosecond optical limiting and in singlet oxygen generation. Part I: Optical limiting of nanosecond radiation. |
9:30-10:30 |
SunMingying |
Damage Resistance of High Power Laser System |
10:30-10:45 |
Zhu Ping |
Introduction of SG-II 5PW laser system |
10:45-11:00 |
报告人简介:Ivan Kislyakov, born in 1974 in the USSR, graduated from St.Petersburg State University with MSc (1998) and PhD (2004) degrees. A specialist in spectroscopy and photochemistry of molecules and nanostructures, as well as in nonlinear optics. Passed internship works in the European High Magnetic Field Laboratory (Grenoble, France, 1995-1996), University of Massachusetts Boston (USA, 2010). Since 2004 he works in S.I. Vavilov State Institute (St.Petersburg, Russia) as a leading scientist and a head of laboratory. From 2010 till 2017 he had teaching experience in ITMO University (St.Petersburg, Russia) as an assiciate professor. Executed two projects of International Science and Technology Center (2004-2008) and a number of research and R&D projects of Russian government (2009-2017). Published more than 50 papers in scientific journals and contributed in three patented inventions. Since 2017 he works as a visiting professor in SIOM.
报告摘要: This is the first of two lectures concerned with unordinary properties of various photo-active nanostructures. Semiconductor quantum dots, multilayer microresonators, carbon nanoparticles, dyes & fullerenes – assisted hybrids are considered as such interesting objects. In the first part of the "dilogy" some fundamental problems are discussed from the point of view of nanostructures applications as optical limiting materials towards the solution of actual problems of technical vision protection against pulsed laser radiation. The development of ways of limiting threshold decreasing in high-transparent materials, high-sustainability achievement in materials to the action of high-power radiation, and enhancement of their healing abilities are presented. In particular, the role of the matrix in non-linear properties of the materials is emphasized.
中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所 沪ICP备05015387号-1
主办:中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所 上海市嘉定区清河路390号(201800)