2015-2016学年 IFSA协同创新中心硕士生奖学金一等奖
2016-2017学年 中国科学院大学三好学生、优秀学生干部
2016-2017学年 “上海光机所优秀志愿者”荣誉称号
1. Shiyi Zhou,et al,"Self-organized kilo-Tesla magnetic-tube array in an expanding spherical plasma irradiated by kHz femtosecond laser pulses." (Physical Review Letters, 2018年11月8号已接收).
2. Yafeng, Bai,Shiyi, Zhou(共同一作),et al, "Optical measurements and analytical modeling of magnetic field generated in a dieletric target." Plasma Science and Technology 20.1 (2017): 014010.
3.Ye Tian, Jiansheng Liu, Yafeng Bai,Shiyi Zhou, Haiyi Sun, Weiwei Liu, Jiayu Zhao, Ruxin Li& Zhizhan Xu. Femtosecond-laser-driven wire-guided helical undulator for intense terahertz radiation[J].Nature Photonics, 2017.