Based on the dual-chirped optical parametric amplification and type-I BiB3O6(BiBO) crystals, the generation of >100 mJ, 10.4 fs, 10 Hz, carrier-to-envelope phase (CEP)-stable laser pulses, which are centered at 1.7 mm, was demonstrated; it produced a peak power of 10 TW. CEP-dependent high harmonic generation was implemented to confirm the sub-two-cycle pulse duration and CEP stabilization of infrared (IR) laser pulses. As far as we know, the obtained pulse energy and peak power represented the highest values for sub-two-cycle CEP-stable IR optical parametric amplification. Additionally, the prospects of achieving high-energy water window isolated attosecond pulses via our developed laser source were discussed.
徐露,2015年6月博士毕业于中科院上海光学精密机械研究所,2017年获聘中科院上海光学精密研究所副研究员。2019年4月至今,以(research scientist)就职于日本理化学研究所(RIKEN)先进光子学中心(Center for Advanced Photonics)的阿秒科学研究组(Attosecond Science Research Team; Leader: Katsumi Midorikawa)和超快相干软X射线光子学研究组(Ultrafast Coherent Soft x-ray Photonics Research Team; Leader: Eiji J. Takahashi)。近年来,主要从事吉瓦量级水窗单阿秒输出的红外驱动光源的研究,实现了100 mJ, 10.4 飞秒,中心波长1.7 微米,载波包络相位稳定的光脉冲输出。这是迄今为止,在两个光学周期脉宽内,世界最高单脉冲能量的红外光脉冲输出。