报告人简介: 吴侃,上海交通大学副教授。博士毕业于新加坡南洋理工大学,获得上海市青年英才扬帆计划等荣誉。目前主要从事飞秒激光器及微波光子学研究,包括新型二维材料饱和吸收体,低噪声飞秒光纤激光器和微波信号合成及处理等领域。近年来,在Light: Science and Applications, Physical Review X, Optics Express等光学类期刊上发表学术论文40多篇,引用400余次,并有多篇论文入选ESI热点论文和高被引论文。国际会议特邀报告8次,多次担任国际会议分会主席、组委会成员及技术委员会成员。
Abstract—Transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) as one kind of two-dimension (2D) materials have attracted wide interest for their abundant photonic and electronic properties. In this work, we utilize the optical nonlinear response of TMDs, i.e., saturable absorption, to obtain mode-locked and Q-switched laser operation. Four TMD materials MoS2, WS2, MoSe2, WSe2, have been demonstrated to achieve pulsed lasers. Mode-locked based on MoS2 has also been used to generate low-phase-noise microwave signals with wide frequency tuning range and high stability. In addition, we will also discuss the technology to achieve optical driven deposition with ultralow threshold of 3 dBm which is 10 dB lower than the typical threshold of this technology.