人工智能的战略重要性已成为普遍共识,备受世界各国工业界、学术界和非营利组织的高度关注。人工智能技术也正在改变和重构科学研究范式,为探讨和推动人工智能、深度学习、机器学习等技术驱动我所科研工作的发展,特组织“清河之光”专题研讨论坛——人工智能相关技术我所科研过程中潜在应用。欢迎全所科研人员、研究生积极参与研讨。 OpenBayes贝式计算是中国领先的人工智能研究机构,拥有天河级别的机器学习专用超算集群及大量独家数据资源。贝式计算的产品被广泛应用于招商局港口集团、上海浦东临港智慧城市发展中心、中外运、上海交通大学、北京大学医学部、北医三院、首都医科大、摩拜单车、58同城等大型商业公司与研究机构。
Recently we have witnessed the impact of deep neural networks (DNN) to the field of computational imaging (CI). Usually, a DNN should be trained on a specific training dataset before it can be used to solve the corresponding CI problem. The DNN trained in this way is fundamentally a black box, lack of deep understanding of its applicability. Here we report our recent works on physics-driven untrained deep neural networks (PhysenNet) for computational imaging. The PhysenNet employs a strategy that incorporates a physical imaging model into a conventional DNN. PhysenNet has two apparent advantages. First, it does not need to be trained on any dataset. Instead, it just requires the data to be process as its input. The interplay between the physical model and the randomly initialized DNN provides a mechanism to optimize the DNN, and produce a good reconstruction. Second, the reconstructed image satisfies the constraint imposed by the physical model so that it is interpretable. We will take phase imaging and computational ghost imaging as examples to demonstrate the principle. |